Welcome to Mapa Group Ethics Help Center

Ethics Help Center is a platform available for 7/24, independent and confidential, where you can speak up about ethical violations. Ethics Help Center is provided for Mapa Group by PwC as an independent third-party provider. PwC ensures the confidentiality, security and anonymity of the reporting process for Mapa Group.

As Mapa Group, we encourage our employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and all our stakeholders to speak up and report through Ethics Help Center any behaviour and situation they suspect to be unethical and unlawful within the scope of our business activities.

To make a report, you can contact Ethics Help Center by filling out the online form on this webpage or by calling us. As you prefer, you can report anonymously without disclosing your name or by disclosing your name. You can follow the status of your report on this webpage.

Your report will be sent by PwC to Mapa Group officials who will carefully review it and take necessary action.

Thank you for using Ethics Help Center.

For more information on Ethics Help Center, please see our FAQ and the information provided on Mapa Group website.