Frequently Asked Questions

a) About PwC Ethics Help Center

What is the PwC Ethics Help Center?

PwC Ethics Help Center is an independent and confidential reporting platform created by PwC that enables Mapa Group employees and other stakeholders to report any activity identified or suspected to be illegal,unethical or a misconduct, meaning a violation of the applicable legislation and/or Company’s Code of Ethics and other relevant policies.

What is the aim of the Company to have the PwC Ethics Help Center?

It’s important to maintain transparent and accountable relationships in the business, encourage respect, honesty and discourage any type of behaviors not in line with the ethical standards of the Company. To promote an ethical business environment, we would like to create open communication channels with our employees and other stakeholders. 

b) Reporting

i. General

1. What are the reporting channels?

PwC Ethics Help Center enables you to file a confidential, anonymous report via phone or web.

2) What type of situations should be reported via the PwC Ethics Help Center?

The PwC Ethics Help Center allows you to inform Mapa Group about the past, present or potentially future illegal or unethical behaviors or activities, which include but are not limited to the following types of issues:

  • Criminal activities such as theft and fraud,
  • Violation of ethical rules, laws, moral values and regulations,
  • Fraudulent activities in the accounting records,
  • All kinds of discrimination (race, religion, language, color, gender, age, etc.)
  • Threats against social security or health,
  • Inappropriate use of company equipment
  • Giving or receiving bribes,
  • Disclosing the Company’s secrets,
  • Environmental damage,
  • Money laundering,
  • Harassment,
  • Mobbing…

3) What happens to the reports? Who can access them?

Reports are entered directly to the PwC Ethics Help Center secure server. PwC makes these reports available only to specific individuals within the Company who are in charge of reviewing the report, based on the type of violation, location of the incident and considering the financial, reputational, regulatory and other effects. Each of these report recipients has been provided with a training to manage these reports in line with the Company Policies. 

ii.Security, Anonymity and Confidentiality

4) Can I file a report from home and remain anonymous?

A report from home, a neighbor’s computer, or any Internet portal will remain secure, anonymous and confidential. An Internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name and the PwC Ethics Help Center system strips away Internet addresses so that anonymity is totally maintained.

5) I am concerned that the information I provide to the PwC Ethics Help Center will ultimately reveal my identity. How can you assure me that will not happen?

The PwC Ethics Help Center system protects your anonymity by providing you the option of reporting anonymously. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, you need to ensure that the body of the report does not reveal your identity by accident.

6) Is the telephone toll-hotline confidential and anonymous as well?

Yes. The hotline provides you the option to report anonymously as well. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an Internet-based report and an interviewer will type your responses into the PwC Ethics Help Center website. These reports have the same security, anonymity and confidentiality measures.

7) Is it possible in case I would like to be identified with my report?

There is a section in the report to identify yourself, if you wish.

8) If I use the hotline, do you see my phone number? If yes, will you report it?

We do not report the caller phone numbers. In the case you do not want to share your phone number with the Company, we will ask you to provide an alternative communication channel that you choose to be contacted.

9) Do you keep voice records while reporting through the telephone?

No, conversations are not recorded for confidentiality reasons.

10) Can you guarantee that I won't be harmed because I create a report?

Company protects the Whistleblowers, even if the accuracy of the incident is not able to be proven by an investigation, so long as the reporting is made in good faith, with reasonable grounds and without an intent to victimize or create disadvantages to others or gain a personal advantage. However, those who deliberately make false reports may be subject to various disciplinary penalties. Therefore, it is highly important that the reports are based on facts and can be proven, where possible.

Please refer to the Company’s related Policy for details.

11) What happens after I create a report?

All cases through the PwC Ethics Help Center are first assessed by the Assigned Personnel at the Company, depending on the subject of the report. The purpose of this preliminary assessment is to verify the report’s subject and determine whether the information provided is reliable. Depending on the results, either the Company itself conducts the investigation in line with its internal procedures. All cases through telephone line and email, will be entered to the PwC Ethics Help Center database by PwC Ethics Specialists, then the same path is followed.

Please refer to the Company’s related Policy for details.

iii. Clues and Best Practices

12) I know some people are acting unethically, but it doesn't affect me. Why should I report it?

An unethical behaviour may create an unjust environment for the general interests of individuals, our companies and the society. It may create material and immaterial damages. Also, in case the behavior is a violation of relevant laws, it is not only a moral duty but a legal obligation to inform the authorities. Therefore, if you know of any ethical misconduct or violation, it is everyone’s duty to report it.

13) What should I do if I am not sure what I have observed or heard is a violation of company policy, or involves unethical behavior, but it just does not look right to me?

Report it. It is better you report a situation that turns out to be harmless than let potential unethical behavior continue.

14) What if my line managers are involved in a violation? 

The PwC Ethics Help Center system ensures that parties are not notified or granted access to cases in which they have been named as subject.

15) What should I do in case I remember something important about the incident after I create the report? Or what if the company has questions regarding my report?

When you file a report at the PwC Ethics Help Center platform or through the PwC Ethics Telephone Line you receive a unique, random number named “Case ID” and are asked to create a password. When you report by phone, the Case ID number and password are told you by the Communications specialist. You can turn back to the system again with this Case ID and password and access the original report to add more detail or answer questions posted by a representative so that you can enter into an “anonymous dialogue” with the representative.

16) What happens if I lose the Case ID or the Password?

If you lose your Case ID or password, you will need to create a new report since it is not possible to reach out to your file in another way due to security and confidentiality reasons. Please refer to the related report or question you submitted in your new report.

17) Can I withdraw a report or question afterwards?

It is not possible to withdraw a report or question after it is submitted. However, you can share your withdrawal request by creating a new report.